And stuffing them with empty water bottles...

So, why, you might ask, am I sewing sandbags together and filling them with water bottles? Well, the answer is strange, but simple. I am building a boat. Dan and I are having a raft-building competition, and I am, of course, determined to win. Of course. Competition is my middle name.
We drink a lot of water here each day, and it just seems such a waste to throw out all our empty bottles. We've known for a long time that there must be good alternative uses for these things, but we've never taken the opportunity to explore further...until recently. We work on one of Saddam's many lakes, and we have to walk along a canal to get to our office. Building a water bottle boat has long been a fantasy of mine. What I mean by that is, the idea occurred to me last year, too, but I was too unmotivated to turn my pipe dream into a reality. That was before Dan decided he'd build a boat. Then I decided, "Game on!"
For a while, we thought we might build a bridge. Then I thought about building a cubicle/igloo around my desk. Then we circled right back around to "boat." Competition is fun, and we have nothing better to do with our spare time. Sad, I know.
Dan's technique is to use tape, strapping his bottles into blocks of seven. He's then going to tape those blocks together to build his raft. My technique employes the afformentioned sand bags, laced together in strings of five to form little mats. I'll then sew, I think, three of those mats together to build my bottom layer. Because I figure I'll need more buoyancy, I'll put at least two more mats on top of those three. Then I will add wood, for comfort and balance. And that's it. Right now, I have three complete mats, plus one that is stuffed but needs to be sewn shut. I'll finish that tonight.
Tomorrow, I will continue collecting empties to fill my final mat. I also need to pilfer more sandbags. Heehee. I know where to find hundreds of thousands of them. It takes a minimum of eight bottles to fill each bag, times five bags, which means I need 40 more bottles!!! I'd better get to drinking!!!
I'm not sure when the competition will take place, but it should be pretty soon. Maybe we'll make it into Stars and Stripes! Their offices are in our neighborhood, just a few trailers down. Haha. Anyhow, I'll let you know as the situation develops...
Speaking of competition...Did you forget that it is Halloween? You always MUST have the best costume! I thought you were sewing a costume...but alas, it's a boat! Maybe you are going to wear the boat?
My high school has a tradition called The Cardboard Boat Race. Teams build boats, literally, out of cardboard. I don't remember all the rules anymore, but they make the boats and race them across the Duck Pond. Hilarity ensues. ;-) So your boat challenge reminded me of that.
If you post a video of you using your pontoon bridge floating across the canal (between Liberty and Victory) by the Barn and SNC I'll get you and Dave a gift card to Red Lobster. But you have to keep your feet dry.
GMB from TX
HOLY COW!!! MOM! Welcome to the wonderful new world of blog commenting! Good on you! I fooled you, no? Actually, I had a costume in mind. I was going to go as trailer trash. I have the t-shirt, but that's all. Nobody else dressed up, so I didn't, either. If we hadn't known that the 31st is traditionally Halloween, it would have gone by unnoticed. Soooo sad. :( Love you.
VERVE! Haha. Yeah, I can see how this boat challenge might remound you of that one. Very funny. Hey, I just bought our tickets East for Christmas. Yay! Can hardly wait!
GMB, how about a video of our boat launching shinanegans? I haven't the energy or the resources for a pontoon bridge. :)
Can't wait to see pics of the canal/lake boat!! Hydrate away! Marcia
If your boat holds a person (about 110 LBS)without getting wet and floats for five minutes - done. Best I can do is gift card for 50 USD. Where are you planning to test it?
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